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BBQ cajun chicken with seedy slaw

BBQ cajun chicken with seedy slaw


Cajun BBQ Chicken


These cajun chicken thighs are a tasty, easy and super healthy BBQ staple, perfect for summer evenings in the garden. If you have time to marinate them all day, then the spices really come alive. Finished on the BBQ for those lovely charred edges and served with a light seedy slaw, this meal is feel good all round.


Top level health statistics, per serving (two chicken thighs and a serving of slaw)

Calories - 239 | Carbs - 11g | Fat - 12g | Protein - 26g



Serves 3 (if having two thighs per person)

Marinated chicken thighs:

  • 3 tsp The Gym Chef Cajun Seasoning
  • 6 boneless chicken thigh fillets
  • 6 tbsp low fat natural yoghurt
  • 2 tsp fresh mint, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

Seedy Slaw:

  • ⅓ of a red cabbage, finely sliced
  • 3 carrots, ribboned or finely sliced into strips
  • 3 tsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds
  • 1 1/2 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • Seeds from half a pomegranate



Preparation time: 10 minutes | Chicken marinade: At least 1 hour | Cooking time: 25 minutes



  1. Add chicken thighs and the marinade ingredients to a freezer bag and combine throughly. Leave to marinate for at least one hour but ideally throughout the day.
  2. After you’ve left the marinade for as long as possible, heat the oven to 180ºC. Once up to temperature, place the chicken on a baking tray and cook for 10 minutes. While the chicken is cooking, slice the cabbage, ribbon the carrot (try using a vegetable peeler for thin strips) and extract the seeds from the pomegranate. Combine with the white wine vinegar. Toast the seeds in a pan to get a lovely nutty flavour and leave to cool. Once cooled, add to the slaw.
  3. After 10 minutes, remove the chicken from the oven and transfer to a BBQ to finish. They should only need five to seven minutes either side and will begin charing at the edges. Check the thighs are cooked through thoroughly before eating.
  4. Serve the slaw and chicken together and sprinkle with any left over mint or pomegranate seeds.
  5. Enjoy!

Grilled Cajun BBQ Chicken Thighs


Discover our Cajun seasoning:

Cajun Seasoning

All our seasoning blends are:

  • All natural with no nasties
  • Contain no added salt or sugar
  • Free from artificial colourings
  • No additives or preservatives
  • Unique concentrated flavour - No other seasoning like this on the market
  • High pepper content to encourage a thermogenic reaction to help boost metabolism. 


Cajun Jumbo Shrimp with Courgette Spicy Rice and Beetroot Salad.

Cajun Jumbo Shrimp with Courgette Spicy Rice and Beetroot Salad.

Cajun Jumbo Shrimp image



For the protein:

12 Jumbo Raw Shrimp/Prawns

1 Tablespoon The Gym Chef Cajun Seasoning


For the carbs:

200g Basmati Rice

1 Courgette (sliced)

1 Onion (sliced)

1 Tablespoon The Gym Chef Peri Peri seasoning

1 Teaspoon The Gym Chef Pink Himalayan Salt

1 Tablespoon Coconut oil

300ml boiled water


For the topping:

1 Small Beetroot

1 Teaspoon olive oil

1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar

Salt and Pepper to taste


Step 1: cook the rice -

Chop the onion, and courgette into slices.

Wash the rice in cold running water and allow to drain.

Grab a saucepan and place on a medium heat. Add the oil. Sauté the onions and courgettes till they start to soften (2 mins). Add the drained rice and continue to sauté for a further minute. Add the peri peri spice and pink salt. Mix well and add the water. Cover and simmer on a low heat for ten mins. The rice should absorb all the water and cook in its own steam.


For the beetroot salad:

Peel the beetroot. Finely slice into circles. Lay flat and slice again lengthways to create julienne matchsticks. Place in a bowl and add the oil and vinegar. Mix well and add salt and pepper to taste.


For the shrimp:

Wash the shrimp and pat dry with kitchen paper.

Grab a flat frying pan and place on a medium/hot heat.

Place shrimp in a bowl, add a little oil and marinade in the cajun seasoning.

Coat well and add to the hot pan. Pan sear the shrimp for 2-3 mins on each side ensuring they are thoroughly cooked.


Release your inner gym chef and plate up in any fancy arrangement you desire and enjoy.